

All ​​record high, increasing at record rates (May 2023).

IPCC AR6 call Immediate Global Emissions Decline

Main Indicators

  • Emissions
  • Atmospheric Greenhouse gas levels CO2, methane, nitrous oxide- 3 main GHGs
  • CO2 equivalent= all 3 GHGs- good indicator
  • Energy imbalance, which includes Ocean heat
  • Global temperature increase (global warming)
  • Sea level rise
  • Arctic sea ice
  • Ice sheets

Indicator Metrics with Sources : May 2023

Earth Energy Imbalance 2023 X2 past decade

CO2 emissions from Fossil fuels

2022 36.8 Billion tonnes (IEA)

Record high Rapid increase from 1960 ​

​​​Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalent)

2021 54.59 Billion Tonnes

Record high Rapid increase from 1960

Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Concentrations.

All record high Accelerating increase of all ​from 2000

CO2 420 ppm Scripps Record high Accelerating rate of increase​

NOAA Trends atmospheric CO2, methane, nitrous oxide. All record high increasing at record rates

Methane 1,920 ppb Accelerating rate of increase since 2006 Explosive from 2019 Wetland Feedback

Nitrous oxide 336 ppb Accelerating rate of increase

Atmospheric CO2-eq. (all GHGs) NOAA AGGI 2022 CO2 523 ppm

Global TEMPERATURE increase Record decadal​ (Hadcrut)

NASA GISS Annual average 2022: 1.12°C Increasing trend from 1980​​​

2022 global average 1.16°C Northern hemisphere (2022) 1.49°C. Northern hemisphere ​heating much faster than global​​​​

Global warming Index ​1.27°C April 2023 ​(warming by emissions only, from Oxford Univ)

OCEANS Ocean heat Record high ​ ​ Accelerating increase Rapidly increasing trend from 1960

NASA Vital Signs

Global sea level Record high of 98.5 mm above 1993 levels NASA Vital Signs

Sea surface temperature (Climate reanalyzer) Record high 2023 ​ ​​

Ocean acidification (NOAA) Record high​​​ Accelerating increase

Ocean ​​​deoxygenation Record high (IPCC) Accelerating trend ​from 1980

Arctic Ocean sea ice (NASA Vital Signs)

Ice Sheets Greenand, Antarctic Rapid decline in mass NASA Vital Signs